NSFAS Provisionally Funded Meaning in 2023

NSFAS Provisionally Funded Meaning

You might have come across the term “NSFAS provisionally funded meaning” and wondered what it means. The purpose of this article is to explain the meaning of provisionally funded and dive into the details of NSFAS (National Student Financial Aid Scheme). Our discussion will also cover eligibility criteria, checking your NSFAS provisional funding status, how to proceed if you are provisionally funded, and answering some common questions.

Millions of students have been funded by NSFAS over the years. As part of the NSFAS application process, hopeful applicants are expected to keep track of their own funding status each year.

Students who wish to attend tertiary education, but lack the funds to do so, have been supported by the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) for many years now.

Regularly monitoring your NSFAS application status is a crucial step, since students might not always receive an email update regarding their NSFAS application status, so keeping track is their responsibility.

Depending on whether a student’s application is ultimately deemed successful or unsuccessful, they may receive different NSFAS application statuses. There is a status called ‘Provisionally Funded’ for NSFAS applications.

NSFAS Provisionally Funded Meaning in 2023

NSFAS Provisionally Funded Meaning

‘Provisionally Funded’ simply indicates that funding has actually been approved, but that NSFAS is awaiting registration data from the student’s institution after that student has registered.

An NSFAS-funded course is defined as a course offered by a public institution, in which payment will be made upon submission of your academic registration by your university or TVET college to NSFAS. You should register at a public institution if you wish to take an NSFAS funded course.”

In other words, when a student sees this, they should acknowledge the fact that they have been deemed eligible for funding, and take note of this as a positive outcome.

It is not always guaranteed that a student will receive funding from NSFAS, regardless of the fact that it has funded millions of students over the years. 

There are specific requirements students must meet in order to be eligible for this highly coveted bursary.

The following requirements must be met:

  • The applicant must be a citizen of South Africa
  • The applicant’s combined household income must be less than R350 000 (for persons with disabilities, it must be less than R600 000).
  • The applicant is a SASSA grant recipient
  • A registered public university or TVET college is planning to offer the applicant’s first undergraduate degree or diploma
  • A first-time university applicant whose household income is less than R122 000 per year and who first enrolled at university before 2018

Visit the homepage to learn more about NSFAS applications.

How to Check NSFAS Provisional Funding Status

The NSFAS online portal or the call center can be used to check your provisional funding status once you have submitted your NSFAS application. Your funding status can be accessed by providing your ID number or student number. Throughout the verification process, your status may change, so you should check it regularly.

What to Do if Provisionally Funded?

If you are provisionally funded by NSFAS, congratulations! The eligibility criteria for your application have been met, which means that you are one step closer to receiving financial aid. However, there are some steps you need to follow to confirm your funding:

  1. Verify all required documents as soon as possible. Other relevant information may be provided, such as proof of income and identity documents.
  2. Provide NSFAS with additional information as soon as possible.
  3. Stay up-to-date on any changes to your funding status by checking it regularly.
  4. Maintain your eligibility for funding by following your institution’s academic progress requirements.

What does conditionally or provisionally approved mean?

The applicant’s application for funding was approved, however, they must enroll in a public university or TVET college to be eligible to receive the funding.

Tips for Successful NSFAS Provisional Funding

NSFAS provides the following tips to help you increase your chances of receiving provisional funding:

  1. Don’t wait until the last minute to submit your application. Make sure it is accurate and complete.
  2. Please provide all required documentation for verification promptly and accurately.
  3. Respond promptly to any request for additional information and keep checking your funding status regularly.
  4. Maintain your academic progress in accordance with your institution’s requirements.
  5. To receive timely notifications, make sure your contact information is up-to-date with NSFAS.

Importance of NSFAS Provisional Funding

Providing financial assistance to eligible South African students is an important function of NSFAS provisional funding. The program assists students facing financial hardships in pursuing higher education and achieving their academic goals. In addition to providing students with a lifeline, provisional funding facilitates the achievement of their educational goals by opening doors of opportunity and empowering them.


Can I apply for NSFAS provisional funding if I am not a South African citizen or permanent resident?

No, South Africans or permanent residents can only apply for NSFAS provisional funding.

Can I receive NSFAS provisional funding for postgraduate studies?

Yes, both undergraduate and postgraduate studies can be funded by NSFAS if eligibility requirements are met.

Can I use NSFAS provisional funding to study at a private institution?

No, only public universities and TVET colleges are eligible for NSFAS provisional funding.


As a result, NSFAS provisionally funded meaning that is a fundamental component of the National Student Financial Aid Scheme in South Africa. Financial assistance is provided to eligible students through provisional funding, but it is important to know what it means, the eligibility criteria, the process of verification, and the responsibilities attached to it.

Following the tips for successful funding and staying informed about your funding status will allow you to maximize this opportunity and succeed in your higher education.

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